Monday, November 1, 2010

... family standards

Each family is vastly different... and while I'm not here to tell you that I'm an expert at how every family should do their thing, I can tell you that many people have asked me how I 'do it all'. And I can tell you the truth- I DON'T. We do it together.

Here are some of the things that are standard in our home. I call them 'standards' rather than 'rules' because there's always room for modifications and they aren't followed as a religion or checklist of musts, but as 'something we usually do'. I share these with you since I have noticed over the past few years that they may be what sets us apart from most.
  • We nap. Sleep is #1 priority in our home- when we're well rested, we get along better and 'do life' better together.
  • We have dinner together every evening with the tv off (although we're known to watch Wheel of Fortune together if we're eating at 7pm).
  • Our family participates in the bedtime routine for our little ones- Mommy & Daddy dress them in pajamas, Mommy brushes teeth, someone reads a story, everyone gives hugs & kisses. My big ones are very connected and caring to the little ones even though there is a 9 year age span between the two batches. 
  • We have an 'in your room' time for the big ones every night. This allows Mom & Dad to regroup after the day's happenings and chill out together.
  • The children take care of their 'family responsibilities'. These are things that need to be done in order for our family to run somewhat smoothly. We do not pay them for these tasks, just as they do not pay me to grocery shop or keep the bills paid.
  • Our big ones are responsible for getting themselves ready for the day. From setting their alarm to allow adequate time for morning routines to fixing their breakfast, preparing their own lunch, and getting to their destination on time. They have done this since they were 8 and 10 years old.
  • Our children are involved in only one extra curricular activity at any given time, outside of church functions and school. They are not overscheduled and I am not overtaxed by trying to keep up with them.
  • As long as I can remember, we have had one scheduled day off per week to be a family. It is typically Sunday. We'll usually go to church that day, sometimes go out to lunch or come home and nap. Relaxing stuff that helps us recharge our batteries. The only thing that is ever scheduled on this day are church functions.
So there you have it- I hope these things inspire you to try something new with your family that you feel needs some adjustment.

Be blessed-


Standinginhislight said...

The beauty of family is in the simple moments of daily life.
Great post cuz!

Cassandra, James and Madison& Eli said...

I gave you the sunshine award. Check it out on my blog. :P aand I totally love your everyone naps standard. When we can we nap too or at least lay in bed and read to gether or just lay there and enjoy th silence. All in the same bed :)Its a time when we slow down and just be together as a family