I have been a Christian for as long as I can remember, and I have recommitted myself to following Jesus more closely on many occasions along the way. But I have always struggled with finding the time and desire to read my bible on a regular basis, let alone everyday. There's even been a time where I was cleaning my home and moved my bible, only to see the void in the dust :(
Over the years I have been involved in numerous bible studies just so I 'had to' read my bible- since I would be accountable to others, this was a motivating thing to me. However, when the study would end, so would my bible reading... and I have always noticed a change in how I'm internally able to deal with life when I'm not giving myself the gift of perspective through God's Word on a daily basis. I've also tried personal devotions and haven't followed through with that either... in addition to that, a 'verse of the day' calendar is perched on my bathroom counter- yep, you guessed it, always on a date other than yesterday or today.
I'm relieved and excited to say that I think I've found my bible reading nitch- ON MY COMPUTER. You may notice that I visit my computer daily, and it occurred to me that I should find a bible reading tool online to assist me in my heartfelt desire. Awhile back, I found http://www.odb.org/ which is the online version of Our Daily Bread devotionals... the same little booklet my parents used to read together at the dining room table, only with today's reading convenience. I aspire to do 3 things before my little ones rise each morning: Shower, Coffee, Bible Read... so far so good!
YAY you!!!! I have almost the same goals each morning. Minus the coffee. I've been able to keep up with it since the beginning of summer. I feel so much better too. The days that I either forget or am too rushed to get that study done or always hairy!
Good luck, and enjoy your journey!
I'm proud of you! I know how busy us moms can get and how we tend to neglect our spirit and our spirituality. By taking time for yourself every morning, you are tending to both. Well done!
Thanks, ladies :)
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