Friday, October 8, 2010

...Maloney Mayhem

"You're SO organized!" I know people are trying to give me a compliment, and I appreciate that... it's nice to know that I give the illusion of organization. But sometimes I feel as though the compliment is their way of comparing themselves to me... as if they're actually putting themselves down in some way. This  may not  be the case, so I try to respond with a simple "Thank You", and not give in to telling them all the reasons why they're delusional :)

In reality, I am just like you. I do as much as I need to in order to survive and carry on. I only do that much and no more! In the past I strived to have the perfect home with the perfect marriage and the perfect family (I know, it's silly and I never succeeded). It was way too much work! I am now secure enough to invite you in when there is food on the floor, crumbs on the table, fingerprinted windows and refridgerator, mail on the counter, soap splatters on the bathroom mirror, cranky or disgruntled children, toys everywhere- but you'll always have a place at my breakfast bar or on my ten year old sofa. Welcome to Maloney Mayhem, we're happy you're here!


What in the Worl? said...

I LOVE this post!! :)... I am getting there too. I still struggle with aiming for perfection, but I'm realizing the loosing battle!! As far as the home, with some friends it's easier than others. The friends who have crumbs on their floor I feel most comfortable with allowing them into my house when it is less than perfect! There are somedays I delight in trying to perfect my house, and it is fun, but not often! :).

I get the same feeling when people say to me "how can you DO all that? I sure couldn't!" (writing, hebrew/greek - going to school, and the rest of life, etc.) I feel like saying "I can't! you kidding me? But somehow by the grace of God, I do what I'm called too..." oh, and it's not always/ever perfect.

Love you Cynthia!! You rock! AND you're SO ORGANIZED! :)

MaloneysBaloneys said...

You are a lovely gal, and I'm happy to know you! I'll be even happier when our lifestyles allow us to know eachother on a deeper level and our girls can be buddies :)

Just Jess said...

Love this post! :) I'm glad to know you are comfortable enough with yourself to allow visitors into your home when it is in its "real" state. I'm finally there as well. It's a very nice place to be!