What do you consider to be a friend? How deeply do you regard friendship with others? Is it your primary focus in life? Do you rely on it for your identity or does it not really matter much to you? Whatever significance it has in your life, I think the trick is to find another who feels the same so you can mesh in life... it's a very touchy subject. Everyone has their own idea of what it is and how you should behave as their friend, and when another doesn't respond in the way that is ideal friendship to that person... THAT is when drama tends to unfold.
I am a very friendly person. But truth be told, I have various dimensions of friendship with others- I do not desire to be best friends with everyone, but I do enjoy knowing a variety of people and personalities- God made this wonderful array of people and I am interested in their stories, where they have come from, where they are now, and where they desire to go.
I also find it amazing who God calls me to be friends with... and even moreso who he calls me to be intimate friends with... a friendship that involves sharing stories and life together, equally supportive (sometimes giving, sometimes receiving) of one another, and believing in eachother's integrity. Often it is someone who ruffles my feathers... pushes my buttons... or simply isn't a replica of me (thankfully!). But how boring would this world be with millions of me's? It's an enjoyable thing to take a step outside of myself and learn about God through the lives of others and their experiences.
So as I pray today, I will be thankful for God's design... his design of relationships with others, his individual calling on our lives, and his marvelous design of each individual person. Ordinary people with amazing purpose.